Trying to Understand
She Will Not Be Quiet: A (mostly unedited) daily writing practice
This one feels extra vulnerable. I spent time, a lot of necessary time with these words. Thank you for taking your time here. Here’s to… Breathing peace. Breathing peace. Breathing peace.
Trying to Understand
It's only 9:00 am and, after accidentally allowing myself to get hijacked by the news, I have forgotten that I have a body. I have forgotten to notice that I am warm and fed and safe inside my own home, that my people are warm and fed and safe. I have forgotten that I get to choose. That I still get to choose. That my beloved daughters still get to choose. But, I can't forget that so many are not warm or fed or safe inside their homes. I can't forget that so many do not get to choose. On the other side of the room, the dog sighs. And I notice that I have been holding my breath. I breathe. When I was two and a half years old, my mom says that I used to repeat the words: Mommy, I don't understand. Mommy, I don't understand (over and over and over again). And now, I am here 53 years later, sitting at my kitchen table repeating the same words. How can it be okay for a select few in fancy suits to hoard billions and billions of dollars when there are human beings all over the world dying of hunger— human beings with empty bellies sleeping on sidewalks on cold, cold nights. How can anyone claim to care for our children and still refuse to do everything in their power to protect them from guns? The same guns that murder so many of our beloveds. How, when our planet is so very, very sick, do fancy suits strip away the vital protections that could save this place, this place this gives us everything. How do people entangle with ideologies that have dismissed, disregarded, discarded, massacred millions and millions? Mommy, I don't understand. Kindness. Compassion. Love. Three essentials that don't cost a cent. The only essentials that will save us. The only essentials that make sense.
NOTE: I have kept the comment section open today.
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Signed copies of my book STAYING IN LOVE & signed poetry prints are available HERE.
Today is day 17 of posting my daily writings. These writings live at the below link.
Thank you for leaving your presence here, Emily. It matters so much. ♥️
@Mara Hayes , thank you so much for sharing my words. I am sending you so much love.